TensorFlow Training (TFJob)
This page describes TFJob for training a machine learning model with TensorFlow.
What is TFJob?
TFJob is a Kubernetes
custom resource that you can use to run TensorFlow training jobs on Kubernetes. The Kubeflow
implementation of TFJob is in
A TFJob is a resource with a YAML representation like the one below (edit to use the container image and command for your own training code):
apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1
kind: TFJob
generateName: tfjob
namespace: kubeflow
replicas: 1
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: tensorflow
image: gcr.io/your-project/your-image
- python
- -m
- trainer.task
- --batch_size=32
- --training_steps=1000
replicas: 3
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: tensorflow
image: gcr.io/your-project/your-image
- python
- -m
- trainer.task
- --batch_size=32
- --training_steps=1000
If you want to give your TFJob pods access to credentials secrets, such as the GCP credentials automatically created when you do a GKE-based Kubeflow installation, you can mount and use a secret like this:
apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1
kind: TFJob
generateName: tfjob
namespace: kubeflow
replicas: 1
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: tensorflow
image: gcr.io/your-project/your-image
- python
- -m
- trainer.task
- --batch_size=32
- --training_steps=1000
value: "/etc/secrets/user-gcp-sa.json"
- name: sa
mountPath: "/etc/secrets"
readOnly: true
- name: sa
secretName: user-gcp-sa
replicas: 1
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: tensorflow
image: gcr.io/your-project/your-image
- python
- -m
- trainer.task
- --batch_size=32
- --training_steps=1000
value: "/etc/secrets/user-gcp-sa.json"
- name: sa
mountPath: "/etc/secrets"
readOnly: true
- name: sa
secretName: user-gcp-sa
If you are not familiar with Kubernetes resources please refer to the page Understanding Kubernetes Objects.
What makes TFJob different from built in controllers is the TFJob spec is designed to manage distributed TensorFlow training jobs.
A distributed TensorFlow job typically contains 0 or more of the following processes
- Chief The chief is responsible for orchestrating training and performing tasks like checkpointing the model.
- Ps The ps are parameter servers; these servers provide a distributed data store for the model parameters.
- Worker The workers do the actual work of training the model. In some cases, worker 0 might also act as the chief.
- Evaluator The evaluators can be used to compute evaluation metrics as the model is trained.
The field tfReplicaSpecs in TFJob spec contains a map from the type of replica (as listed above) to the TFReplicaSpec for that replica. TFReplicaSpec consists of 3 fields
- replicas The number of replicas of this type to spawn for this TFJob.
template A PodTemplateSpec that describes the pod to create for each replica.
- The pod must include a container named
- The pod must include a container named
restartPolicy Determines whether pods will be restarted when they exit. The allowed values are as follows
- Always means the pod will always be restarted. This policy is good for parameter servers since they never exit and should always be restarted in the event of failure.
OnFailure means the pod will be restarted if the pod exits due to failure.
- A non-zero exit code indicates a failure.
- An exit code of 0 indicates success and the pod will not be restarted.
- This policy is good for chief and workers.
ExitCode means the restart behavior is dependent on the exit code of the
container as follows:Exit code
indicates the process completed successfully and will not be restarted.The following exit codes indicate a permanent error and the container will not be restarted:
: general errors2
: misuse of shell builtins126
: command invoked cannot execute127
: command not found128
: invalid argument to exit139
: container terminated by SIGSEGV (invalid memory reference)
The following exit codes indicate a retryable error and the container will be restarted:
: container terminated by SIGINT (keyboard Control-C)137
: container received a SIGKILL143
: container received a SIGTERM
Exit code
corresponds to SIGUSR1 and is reserved for user-specified retryable errors.Other exit codes are undefined and there is no guarantee about the behavior.
For background information on exit codes, see the GNU guide to termination signals and the Linux Documentation Project.
Never means pods that terminate will never be restarted. This policy should rarely be used because Kubernetes will terminate pods for any number of reasons (e.g. node becomes unhealthy) and this will prevent the job from recovering.
Quick start
Submitting a TensorFlow training job
Note: Before submitting a training job, you should have deployed kubeflow to your cluster. Doing so ensures that
the TFJob
custom resource is available when you submit the training job.
Running the MNist example
Kubeflow ships with an example suitable for running a simple MNist model.
git clone https://github.com/kubeflow/tf-operator
cd tf-operator/examples/v1/mnist_with_summaries
# Deploy the event volume
kubectl apply -f tfevent-volume
# Submit the TFJob
kubectl apply -f tf_job_mnist.yaml
Monitor the job (see the detailed guide below):
kubectl -n kubeflow get tfjob mnist -o yaml
Delete it
kubectl -n kubeflow delete tfjob mnist
Customizing the TFJob
Typically you can change the following values in the TFJob yaml file:
- Change the image to point to the docker image containing your code
- Change the number and types of replicas
- Change the resources (requests and limits) assigned to each resource
Set any environment variables
- For example, you might need to configure various environment variables to talk to datastores like GCS or S3
Attach PVs if you want to use PVs for storage.
Using GPUs
To use GPUs your cluster must be configured to use GPUs.
- Nodes must have GPUs attached.
- The Kubernetes cluster must recognize the
resource type. - GPU drivers must be installed on the cluster.
- For more information:
To attach GPUs specify the GPU resource on the container in the replicas that should contain the GPUs; for example.
apiVersion: "kubeflow.org/v1"
kind: "TFJob"
name: "tf-smoke-gpu"
replicas: 1
creationTimestamp: null
- args:
- python
- tf_cnn_benchmarks.py
- --batch_size=32
- --model=resnet50
- --variable_update=parameter_server
- --flush_stdout=true
- --num_gpus=1
- --local_parameter_device=cpu
- --device=cpu
- --data_format=NHWC
image: gcr.io/kubeflow/tf-benchmarks-cpu:v20171202-bdab599-dirty-284af3
name: tensorflow
- containerPort: 2222
name: tfjob-port
cpu: '1'
workingDir: /opt/tf-benchmarks/scripts/tf_cnn_benchmarks
restartPolicy: OnFailure
replicas: 1
creationTimestamp: null
- args:
- python
- tf_cnn_benchmarks.py
- --batch_size=32
- --model=resnet50
- --variable_update=parameter_server
- --flush_stdout=true
- --num_gpus=1
- --local_parameter_device=cpu
- --device=gpu
- --data_format=NHWC
image: gcr.io/kubeflow/tf-benchmarks-gpu:v20171202-bdab599-dirty-284af3
name: tensorflow
- containerPort: 2222
name: tfjob-port
nvidia.com/gpu: 1
workingDir: /opt/tf-benchmarks/scripts/tf_cnn_benchmarks
restartPolicy: OnFailure
Follow TensorFlow’s instructions for using GPUs.
Monitoring your job
To get the status of your job
kubectl get -o yaml tfjobs ${JOB}
Here is sample output for an example job
apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1
kind: TFJob
kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
creationTimestamp: "2019-07-16T02:44:38Z"
generation: 1
name: mnist
namespace: kubeflow
resourceVersion: "10429537"
selfLink: /apis/kubeflow.org/v1/namespaces/kubeflow/tfjobs/mnist
uid: a77b9fb4-a773-11e9-91fe-42010a960094
cleanPodPolicy: None
replicas: 1
restartPolicy: Never
- command:
- python
- /var/tf_mnist/mnist_with_summaries.py
- --log_dir=/train
- --learning_rate=0.01
- --batch_size=150
image: gcr.io/kubeflow-ci/tf-mnist-with-summaries:1.0
name: tensorflow
- mountPath: /train
name: training
- name: training
claimName: tfevent-volume
completionTime: "2019-07-16T02:45:23Z"
- lastTransitionTime: "2019-07-16T02:44:38Z"
lastUpdateTime: "2019-07-16T02:44:38Z"
message: TFJob mnist is created.
reason: TFJobCreated
status: "True"
type: Created
- lastTransitionTime: "2019-07-16T02:45:20Z"
lastUpdateTime: "2019-07-16T02:45:20Z"
message: TFJob mnist is running.
reason: TFJobRunning
status: "True"
type: Running
running: 1
startTime: "2019-07-16T02:44:38Z"
A TFJob has a TFJobStatus, which has an array of TFJobConditions through which the TFJob has or has not passed. Each element of the TFJobCondition array has six possible fields:
- The lastUpdateTime field provides the last time this condition was updated.
- The lastTransitionTime field provides the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
- The message field is a human readable message indicating details about the transition.
- The reason field is a unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition’s last transition.
- The status field is a string with possible values “True”, “False”, and “Unknown”.
- The type field is a string with the following possible values:
- TFJobCreated means the tfjob has been accepted by the system, but one or more of the pods/services has not been started.
- TFJobRunning means all sub-resources (e.g. services/pods) of this TFJob have been successfully scheduled and launched and the job is running.
- TFJobRestarting means one or more sub-resources (e.g. services/pods) of this TFJob had a problem and is being restarted.
- TFJobSucceeded means the job completed successfully.
- TFJobFailed means the job has failed.
Success or failure of a job is determined as follows
- If a job has a chief success or failure is determined by the status of the chief.
- If a job has no chief success or failure is determined by the workers.
- In both cases the TFJob succeeds if the process being monitored exits with exit code 0.
- In the case of non-zero exit code the behavior is determined by the restartPolicy for the replica.
- If the restartPolicy allows for restarts then the process will just be restarted and the TFJob will continue to execute.
- For the restartPolicy ExitCode the behavior is exit code dependent.
- If the restartPolicy doesn’t allow restarts a non-zero exit code is considered a permanent failure and the job is marked failed.
tfReplicaStatuses provides a map indicating the number of pods for each replica in a given state. There are three possible states
- Active is the number of currently running pods.
- Succeeded is the number of pods that completed successfully.
- Failed is the number of pods that completed with an error.
During execution, TFJob will emit events to indicate whats happening such as the creation/deletion of pods and services. Kubernetes doesn’t retain events older than 1 hour by default. To see recent events for a job run
kubectl describe tfjobs ${JOB}
which will produce output like
Name: mnist
Namespace: kubeflow
Labels: <none>
Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration:
API Version: kubeflow.org/v1
Kind: TFJob
Creation Timestamp: 2019-07-16T02:44:38Z
Generation: 1
Resource Version: 10429537
Self Link: /apis/kubeflow.org/v1/namespaces/kubeflow/tfjobs/mnist
UID: a77b9fb4-a773-11e9-91fe-42010a960094
Clean Pod Policy: None
Tf Replica Specs:
Replicas: 1
Restart Policy: Never
Image: gcr.io/kubeflow-ci/tf-mnist-with-summaries:1.0
Name: tensorflow
Volume Mounts:
Mount Path: /train
Name: training
Name: training
Persistent Volume Claim:
Claim Name: tfevent-volume
Completion Time: 2019-07-16T02:45:23Z
Last Transition Time: 2019-07-16T02:44:38Z
Last Update Time: 2019-07-16T02:44:38Z
Message: TFJob mnist is created.
Reason: TFJobCreated
Status: True
Type: Created
Last Transition Time: 2019-07-16T02:45:20Z
Last Update Time: 2019-07-16T02:45:20Z
Message: TFJob mnist is running.
Reason: TFJobRunning
Status: True
Type: Running
Replica Statuses:
Running: 1
Start Time: 2019-07-16T02:44:38Z
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal SuccessfulCreatePod 8m6s tf-operator Created pod: mnist-worker-0
Normal SuccessfulCreateService 8m6s tf-operator Created service: mnist-worker-0
Here the events indicate that the pods and services were successfully created.
TensorFlow Logs
Logging follows standard K8s logging practices.
You can use kubectl to get standard output/error for any pods that haven’t been deleted.
First find the pod created by the job controller for the replica of interest. Pods will be named
Once you’ve identified your pod you can get the logs using kubectl.
kubectl logs ${PODNAME}
The CleanPodPolicy in the TFJob spec controls deletion of pods when a job terminates. The policy can be one of the following values
- The Running policy means that only pods still running when a job completes (e.g. parameter servers) will be deleted immediately; completed pods will not be deleted so that the logs will be preserved. This is the default value.
- The All policy means all pods even completed pods will be deleted immediately when the job finishes.
- The None policy means that no pods will be deleted when the job completes.
If your cluster takes advantage of Kubernetes cluster logging then your logs may also be shipped to an appropriate data store for further analysis.
Stackdriver on GKE
See the guide to logging and monitoring for instructions on getting logs using Stackdriver.
As described in the guide to logging and monitoring, it’s possible to fetch the logs for a particular replica based on pod labels.
Using the Stackdriver UI you can use a query like
Alternatively using gcloud
QUERY="resource.type=\"k8s_container\" "
QUERY="${QUERY} resource.labels.cluster_name=\"${CLUSTER}\" "
QUERY="${QUERY} metadata.userLabels.tf_job_name=\"${JOB_NAME}\" "
QUERY="${QUERY} metadata.userLabels.tf-replica-type=\"${TYPE}\" "
QUERY="${QUERY} metadata.userLabels.tf-replica-index=\"${INDEX}\" "
gcloud --project=${PROJECT} logging read \
--freshness=24h \
--order asc ${QUERY}
Here are some steps to follow to troubleshoot your job
Is a status present for your job? Run the command
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get tfjobs -o yaml ${JOB_NAME}
If the resulting output doesn’t include a status for your job then this typically indicates the job spec is invalid.
If the TFJob spec is invalid there should be a log message in the tf operator logs
kubectl -n ${KUBEFLOW_NAMESPACE} logs `kubectl get pods --selector=name=tf-job-operator -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}'`
- KUBEFLOW_NAMESPACE Is the namespace you deployed the TFJob operator in.
Check the events for your job to see if the pods were created
There are a number of ways to get the events; if your job is less than 1 hour old then you can do
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} describe tfjobs -o yaml ${JOB_NAME}
The bottom of the output should include a list of events emitted by the job; e.g.
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Warning SettedPodTemplateRestartPolicy 19s (x2 over 19s) tf-operator Restart policy in pod template will be overwritten by restart policy in replica spec Normal SuccessfulCreatePod 19s tf-operator Created pod: tfjob2-worker-0 Normal SuccessfulCreateService 19s tf-operator Created service: tfjob2-worker-0 Normal SuccessfulCreatePod 19s tf-operator Created pod: tfjob2-ps-0 Normal SuccessfulCreateService 19s tf-operator Created service: tfjob2-ps-0
Kubernetes only preserves events for 1 hour (see kubernetes/kubernetes#52521)
- Depending on your cluster setup events might be persisted to external storage and accessible for longer periods
- On GKE events are persisted in stackdriver and can be accessed using the instructions in the previous section.
If the pods and services aren’t being created then this suggests the TFJob isn’t being processed; common causes are
- The TFJob spec is invalid (see above)
- The TFJob operator isn’t running
Check the events for the pods to ensure they are scheduled.
There are a number of ways to get the events; if your pod is less than 1 hour old then you can do
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} describe pods ${POD_NAME}
The bottom of the output should contain events like the following
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Scheduled 18s default-scheduler Successfully assigned tfjob2-ps-0 to gke-jl-kf-v0-2-2-default-pool-347936c1-1qkt Normal SuccessfulMountVolume 17s kubelet, gke-jl-kf-v0-2-2-default-pool-347936c1-1qkt MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "default-token-h8rnv" Normal Pulled 17s kubelet, gke-jl-kf-v0-2-2-default-pool-347936c1-1qkt Container image "gcr.io/kubeflow/tf-benchmarks-cpu:v20171202-bdab599-dirty-284af3" already present on machine Normal Created 17s kubelet, gke-jl-kf-v0-2-2-default-pool-347936c1-1qkt Created container Normal Started 16s kubelet, gke-jl-kf-v0-2-2-default-pool-347936c1-1qkt Started container
- Some common problems that can prevent a container from starting are
- Insufficient resources to schedule the pod
- The pod tries to mount a volume (or secret) that doesn’t exist or is unavailable
- The docker image doesn’t exist or can’t be accessed (e.g due to permission issues)
- If the containers start; check the logs of the containers following the instructions in the previous section.
More information
- Explore the TFJob reference documentation.
- See how to run a job with gang-scheduling.
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