Hyperparameter Tuning (Katib)
The Katib project is inspired by Google vizier. Katib is a scalable and flexible hyperparameter tuning framework and is tightly integrated with Kubernetes. It does not depend on any specific deep learning framework (such as TensorFlow, MXNet, or PyTorch).
Installing Katib
To run Katib jobs, you must install the required packages as shown in this section. You can do so by following the Kubeflow deployment guide, or by installing Katib directly from its repository:
git clone https://github.com/kubeflow/katib
bash ./katib/scripts/v1alpha3/deploy.sh
Persistent Volumes
If you want to use Katib outside Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and you don’t have a StorageClass for dynamic volume provisioning in your cluster, you must create a persistent volume (PV) to bind your persistent volume claim (PVC).
This is the YAML file for a PV:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: katib-mysql
type: local
app: katib
storage: 10Gi
- ReadWriteOnce
path: /data/katib
After deploying the Katib package, run the following command to create the PV:
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeflow/katib/master/manifests/v1alpha3/pv/pv.yaml
Running examples
After deploying everything, you can run some examples.
Example using random algorithm
You can create an Experiment for Katib by defining an Experiment config file. See the random algorithm example.
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeflow/katib/master/examples/v1alpha3/random-example.yaml
Running this command launches an Experiment. It runs a series of training jobs to train models using different hyperparameters and save the results.
The configurations for the experiment (hyperparameter feasible space, optimization parameter, optimization goal, suggestion algorithm, and so on) are defined in random-example.yaml.
In this demo, hyperparameters are embedded as args.
You can embed hyperparameters in another way (for example, environment values)
by using the template defined in TrialTemplate.GoTemplate.RawTemplate
It is written in go template format.
This demo randomly generates 3 hyperparameters:
- Learning Rate (–lr) - type: double
- Number of NN Layer (–num-layers) - type: int
- optimizer (–optimizer) - type: categorical
Check the experiment status:
$ kubectl -n kubeflow describe experiment random-example
Name: random-example
Namespace: kubeflow
Labels: controller-tools.k8s.io=1.0
Annotations: <none>
API Version: kubeflow.org/v1alpha3
Kind: Experiment
Creation Timestamp: 2019-10-29T02:02:25Z
Generation: 2
Resource Version: 55900050
Self Link: /apis/kubeflow.org/v1alpha3/namespaces/kubeflow/experiments/random-example
UID: 275eee5b-f9f0-11e9-a6cc-00163e01b303
Algorithm Name: random
Algorithm Settings: <nil>
Max Failed Trial Count: 3
Max Trial Count: 100
Metrics Collector Spec:
Kind: StdOut
Additional Metric Names:
Goal: 0.99
Objective Metric Name: Validation-accuracy
Type: maximize
Parallel Trial Count: 3
Feasible Space:
Max: 0.03
Min: 0.01
Name: --lr
Parameter Type: double
Feasible Space:
Max: 5
Min: 2
Name: --num-layers
Parameter Type: int
Feasible Space:
Name: --optimizer
Parameter Type: categorical
Trial Template:
Go Template:
Template Spec:
Config Map Name: trial-template
Config Map Namespace: kubeflow
Template Path: mnist-trial-template
Completion Time: 2019-10-29T02:09:12Z
Last Transition Time: 2019-10-29T02:02:26Z
Last Update Time: 2019-10-29T02:02:26Z
Message: Experiment is created
Reason: ExperimentCreated
Status: True
Type: Created
Last Transition Time: 2019-10-29T02:09:12Z
Last Update Time: 2019-10-29T02:09:12Z
Message: Experiment is running
Reason: ExperimentRunning
Status: False
Type: Running
Last Transition Time: 2019-10-29T02:09:12Z
Last Update Time: 2019-10-29T02:09:12Z
Message: Experiment has succeeded because max trial count has reached
Reason: ExperimentSucceeded
Status: True
Type: Succeeded
Current Optimal Trial:
Name: Validation-accuracy
Value: 0.978702
Parameter Assignments:
Name: --lr
Value: 0.016331188424169637
Name: --num-layers
Value: 4
Name: --optimizer
Value: sgd
Start Time: 2019-10-29T02:02:26Z
Trials: 100
Trials Succeeded: 100
Events: <none>
The demo should start an experiment and run three jobs with different parameters.
When the spec.Status.Condition
changes to Completed, the experiment is
TensorFlow operator example
This is an example for the Tensorflow operator:
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeflow/katib/master/examples/v1alpha3/tfjob-example.yaml
You can check the status of the experiment:
kubectl -n kubeflow describe experiment tfjob-example
PyTorch example
This is an example for the PyTorch operator:
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeflow/katib/master/examples/v1alpha3/pytorchjob-example.yaml
You can check the status of the experiment:
kubectl -n kubeflow describe experiment pytorchjob-example
Monitoring results
You can monitor your results in the Katib UI. If you installed Kubeflow using the deployment guide, you can access the Katib UI at
https://<your kubeflow endpoint>/katib/
For example, if you deployed Kubeflow on GKE, your endpoint would be
Otherwise, you can set port-forwarding for the Katib UI service:
kubectl port-forward svc/katib-ui -n kubeflow 8080:80
Now you can access the Katib UI at this URL: http://localhost:8080/katib/
Delete the installed components:
bash ./scripts/v1alpha3/undeploy.sh
If you created a PV for Katib, delete it:
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeflow/katib/master/manifests/v1alpha3/pv/pv.yaml
Metrics collector
Katib has a metrics collector to take metrics from each trial. Katib collects
metrics from stdout of each trial. Metrics should print in the following
format: {metrics name}={value}
. For example, when your objective value name
is loss
and the metrics are recall
and precision
, your training container
should print like this:
epoch 1:
epoch 2:
Katib adds metrics collector sidecar container to training Pod to collect metrics from training container when training job done.
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